

This weekend, gifted with the four days due to a snowstorm, I focused on sitting down to write on of the most emotional scenes of my book which shows two characters finally opening up to one another. These are actually my favorite types of things to write because I like getting to see my characters connect on an emotional level, because I believe it brings friends closer together and can attempt to bring enemies to a common ground. I also think providing emotional depth makes for a better read because these emotions are what I believe makes my character truly human, and this sense of humanity provides for relatability from the reader.

Sometimes emotional scenes can be very hard to write because they include a lot of plotting, especially in terms of figuring out what one wishes to say through the scene. If an emotional scene represents a change in a character, in turn causing character growth which is one of the major parts of writing to include, this needs to be thought out so the change is visible and prominent. Going forward, I know that there will be a lot more emotional scenes in my book because of approaching the climax, so I'm hoping to put good focus on writing these in the best way possible. 

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