

One of the things I finally managed to get around to this weekend was creating my map for my book, which tells a story that takes place on an island. Coming up with so many cities and towns was not an easy job, and it took an hour and a half to complete it, making sure each had a story to tell and would be important in my world building. The island in my book is divided into five separate territories, and will over time throughout the course of events through my series, will explore each one separately.

Making the map will help me to have better understanding when writing where things take place, and will help me focus on the setting and how it impacts the story and characters. As I keep writing, I do hope to include the setting a little bit more within how it impacts battles especially, and the tensions that are growing between every separate territory. I do think the closeness of some cities to the border will cause for this to grow and perhaps explode into battle, or for cities to be taken over by other people if the time seems right in my novel. 

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